Friday, December 16, 2011

Tebow Time

So I'm really over this talk and gossip about Tim Tebow lately and I'm sick of everyone hating on him. Why talk badly about him? Because he doesn't enjoy doing drugs, getting drunk, and using girls for sex? Because he's a Christian and has values and morals? Making fun of someone because they are a Christian and have a devout faith only shows how small of a person you really are, and that's what's wrong with today's society. I really don't mean to offend anyone by this, but I feel the need to defend this incredible man. He worked so hard and diligently to be where he is today and it's sad to hear some of the things that the media has been saying about him. This is only proof of the type of person that he really is and the character that he has. It takes one amazing person to hear people belittling you and your ambitions and not even let it phase you, and this  I believe is what distinguishes a boy from a man.

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